Chamber Music Guild programs provide exceptional experiences to the Pacific Northwest musician community to explore and practice the art of chamber music.

“It was literally so frickin’ awesome!”
– student, 2023 Summer Student Festival

Your support helped us make 2023 a fantastic year:

  • Program participation increased 22%
  • 32% of program participants were first time attendees
  • We introduced the Solo & Ensemble Prep Workshop
  • We launched Opus 5 of The Counterpoint Club podcast
  • We granted financial assistance to all who needed it

Your gift at any level makes a difference. More than ever, we need your assistance to deliver exceptional chamber music experiences to nurture the musicians in our community.

“I was inspired to continue playing chamber music and am starting a trio with a friend from camp.”
– student, 2023 Summer Student Festival

Help us make musicians for life by giving today!

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